Every Woman’s Marathon

2024 || Client: MilkPEP

Develop a digital ecosystem to promote, educate, and enable registration for a brand new marathon designed for women by women.


User research, competitive analysis, content strategy, UX writing, wireframes, prototyping, stakeholder presentations


  • 2,000+ signups in the first week and sold out in 6 months (7,000 participants)

  • Average site engagement time of 1m 54s

  • Bounce rate of 21.7% for the top 7 pages

The Challenge

For several years, Milk has shown up for women at marathons across the country with cool recovery lounges. The protein and nutrients within one glass provide a well-rounded boost for athletes that is particularly helpful post-activities.

But we wanted to do more than just show up after a race; we wanted to design a better race. Women weren’t allowed to race in marathons for 76 years, so what could a marathon look like if it was designed by women runners, for women runners, and fueled by Milk?


  • Registrations for race (Sell Out = 7,000 signups)

  • Additional sign ups for ‘Team Milk’

  • Low bounce rates, high engagement time


  • Competitive Analysis

    We began doing a competitive audit, looking at other marathon/race groups such as the Boston/New York/Chicago marathons, Tough Mudder, Rock’n’Roll Marathons, etc. We also studied groups like Nike for inspiration on education.

  • User Interviews & Surveys

    We spoke with 30 women runners, ages 18-64, who were a mix of aspirational and experienced runners. We learned about their motivations, barriers, and pain points regarding running and preparing for marathons.

Research Takeaways



  • 43% surveyed said finding time and resources for training prevents them from signing up for marathons.

  • The mental commitment and risk of injury are also daunting factors.

  • For newer runners, the course time limit (typically 6 hours) is intimidating and discourages them from participating.



  • 82% of women said they’re more likely to sign up for a race if a friend/ club will sign up with them

  • Most would sacrifice their race time to help motivate others to finish

  • 96% of mothers interviewed said they run to set an example for their children


We aligned on our experience pillars.

  • An Accessible Race

    From first-time to seasoned runners, this race is designed to be inclusive to all running abilities and body types.

  • A Community of Women

    Join a supportive community of women to connect with throughout the marathon journey.

  • A Weekend of Fun

    It’s more than a race, It’s a festival! Celebrate with live music, fun classes, wellness chats, and a party!




Content Strategy and Wireframes

Armed with user insights and defined objectives, and with 5 months until the marathon announcement, I brainstormed and collaborated with the strategy and creative teams and mapped out the website's structure and functionality.

Our primary focus was creating direct and easy access to race information and registration through our third-party partner, Run Sign Up. Secondary to that we wanted to start providing support for training with training guides and nutrition tips (highlighting milk and it’s benefits in training to bolster brand equity).

I sketched and designed with a mobile-first approach, as is standard practice, but this was all the more important to do because we knew a lot of our media ads would be pushing traffic to the site via socials.



See mobile prototype here

It went live.


  • Record Sign Ups

    Over 2,000 signups in the first week. Sold out within 6 months

  • Strong Site Performance

    Average site engagement time of 1m 54s and bounce rate of 21.7% on top 7 pages

  • New Members

    10K New Members

    Team Milk membership has increased from 20,000 members (January 2024) to over 30,000 members (July 2024)


Hard Rock Mobile Key + Flows